Recycling Eyeglasses

The Westport Lions Club is currently collecting eyeglasses for the people of Guyana located on the east coast of South America. You can drop off your glasses at Westport’s drug store, liquor store, and medical centre. 

We will take prescription glasses and sunglasses, reading glasses, and non-prescription sunglasses. Cases are not required and are not shipped to Guyana because of cost.

From Westport, glasses are transported to Kemptville Lions Club where they are cleaned, inspected and minor repairs are made. The glasses are then neutralized to determine the prescription using a lensometer. Finally, the glasses are catalogued numerically, filed accordingly and sent to Guyana.

Please help the Westport Lions Club to change a life, one pair at a time. As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” 


The team members who went to Guyana in 2017.