Nov 10th – Lions Club Vision Screening

From the Review Mirror….

Local Lions clubs in Westport and Elgin have been helping to identify potential vision problems of children with vision screening clinics at Rideau Family Schools.

“Some of the problems identified by an optometrist can be corrected if found in time. If it wasn’t found until later in life, it wouldn’t be correctible,” said Lion Jim McGlade, a veteran of many vision screening clinics and sight chairman for Lions District A4.

The Vision Screening requires written permission of parents and is conducted at different grade levels. The Lions are outfitted with a basic eye testing kit including an eye chart, a test for colour blindness, and a stereo vision tester.

“We have been fairly successful in identifying students who need further testing,” said McGlade, whose team has done screening at St Edward’s School and Rideau Vista in Westport.

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